Best hotels in Kalam Based on Wonderful Customer Experience
The most important thing
you need to decide during your Kalam trip planning is what hotel to book. In
that scenario, my article will surely be a great help. I will guide you about
the best hotels in Kalam based on
Customer Experience.
In my opinion, the looks
of a hotel don't matter much. What matters the most is how a customer feels
there. So, if a hotel has a fancy exterior or contemporary outlook, you
shouldn't consider it at all. The better idea here is to see what customers are
talking about. Here are three hotels I would recommend to you.
Maria Hotel and Resort
Whenever you search for
the best hotels in Kalam, this one
always comes up because it offers customers what they need. The overall space
is quite beautiful and has mind blowing luxury touch. You pay a premium price
for it. And once you stay there, you realize that every penny is well-spent.
This hotel unlocks all those features that a tourist needs to get a home-like
feeling during vacation. You won't have to deal with stinky bathrooms as
spotless bathrooms are there to use. You lay your head on a very plush and
comfy bed with clean sheets.
Riverdale Resort
Riverdale is another
hotel in Kalam that should be on your following trip list. What I like the most
about this hotel is its simplicity. They believe less is more while decorating
the whole space. It doesn't mean you don't get all the amenities. It means you
get whatever you want but in a mindful place. This resort is located at Bahrain
Rd, Kalam, and it's just the right place to reach Kundol Lake and Ushu Forest.
Hotel Marcopolo Kalam
If you want to keep it
all very reasonable yet comfortable, this hotel should be on your list. It
offers a standard and deluxe bedroom with an attached balcony and bathroom. You
may not get a river view from this hotel, but two-minute walks to the river
won't hurt your feet at all.
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